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Welcome to AXA IM Select

As a multi-manager specialising in fund research and asset allocation, we design investment solutions to help meet investor needs.

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Panel Podcast: Summer markets whipsaw

Article | Podcasts | 16/08/2024

Any thoughts of a quiet summer were quickly dispelled by gyrating financial markets in early August. Confidence evaporated, causing a sharp spike in volatility, before markets rebounded to close a volatile week almost flat.

Panel Podcast: Summer of uncertainty

Article | Podcasts | 17/07/2024

Markets remain in high spirits, with increasing confidence in a Fed rate cut in September. But elsewhere the backdrop is far from certain, with political risks rising in the US and Europe and a great deal riding on the second quarter earnings season.

Market Snapshot - June 2024

Article | Investments | 03/07/2024

Unexpected election results in India, Mexico and South Africa temporarily shook markets. In India, Narendra Modi secured a third term, but lost his parliamentary majority.

Our funds

Flexible bond fund

A fund of funds that aims to achieve a return for investors over the medium to long term based on a combination of capital growth and income, and with a low to medium volatility level.

Multi-asset balanced fund

A fund of funds that aims to achieve a return for investors over the medium to long term based on a combination of capital growth and income, and with a medium to high volatility level through exposure to a diversified range of asset classes.

Flexible equity fund

A fund of funds that aims to achieve a return for investors over the medium to long term based on a combination of capital growth and income, and with a medium to high volatility level.

Our documents

Fund factsheets and prices

For all funds, share classes and price information.

Offering documents

For all of our fund ranges. 


Contains all you need to know about our funds.

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