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Literature library

Welcome to the literature library. Here you can download our latest documents containing all you need to know about our funds, along with market insights from our team of investment experts.  

Why multi-manager investing

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No one person can be an expert at everything. That’s why we combine the best managers in their respective fields into our portfolios, to make sure we have an expert taking care of each asset class or region.


Latest insights

Panel Podcast: Almost like Goldilocks?

Article | Podcasts | 14/10/2024

The Fed’s rate cutting cycle has kicked off, a soft landing still looks likely and China has finally pressed the stimulus button. It feels like we could almost be set for a Goldilocks scenario.

Panel Podcast: September blues

Article | Podcasts | 12/09/2024

It’s historically a tricky month for equity markets, and this September is no exception. Rising concerns over US growth, sluggish data from China and the geopolitical backdrop have seen risk aversion come to the fore.

Panel Podcast: Summer markets whipsaw

Article | Podcasts | 16/08/2024

Any thoughts of a quiet summer were quickly dispelled by gyrating financial markets in early August. Confidence evaporated, causing a sharp spike in volatility, before markets rebounded to close a volatile week almost flat.

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