Client Risk Profiled fund range

What is our Client Risk Profiled fund range?

Our Client Risk Profiled (CRP) range is a group of three funds focussed across different asset classes and with differing risk profiles, helping give clients an investment range to suit their needs.

The fund range consists of the following three funds all of which are sub-funds of Architas Multi-Manager Global Managed Funds Unit Trust:

  • Architas Flexible Bond

  • Architas Multi-Asset Balanced

  • Architas Flexible Equity

Why this range?

This suite of funds provide diversification across regions and sectors, helping to manage risk from not being too exposed to a single part of the market and enabling the funds to take advantage of market opportunities.

In terms of asset classes, the funds differ in their focus across bonds and equities, with the Architas Multi-Asset Balanced Fund offering a mix between the two. Our core approach however remains the same across all three funds, namely that they are multi-manageractively managed and fully diversified funds.

Prices and factsheets

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Architas Flexible Bond Fund portfolio

  • Architas Flexible Bond is a sub-fund of Architas Multi-Manager Global Managed Funds Unit Trust (the “Trust”) which is an umbrella open-ended unit trust domiciled in Dublin, Ireland. Its home regulator is the Central Bank of Ireland (the “CBI”).
  • This Fund invests primarily in a diversified range of fixed income investments, in particular, by way of investment in other collective investment schemes.
  • This Fund is subject to the following key risk factors: risk relating to dynamic asset allocation, risk of investing in other collective investment schemes, index fund risk, fixed income risk (including credit risk, interest rate risk, lower rated or unrated securities risk, downgrading risk and credit rating risk), Eurozone risk, emerging markets risk, valuation risk, currency risk, Renminbi currency and conversion risk, and risks associated with distribution effectively and/or directly out of capital.
  • Investors should not make investment decisions based on this document alone and should read the offering document (comprising the Prospectus, Supplements, Hong Kong Covering Document and Product Key Facts Statement of the Fund) for details including risk factors.
  • Before you decide to invest, make sure the intermediary has explained to you that the Fund is suitable for you.

Flexible Bond Fund

This Fund aims: 

To achieve a return for investors over the medium to long term based on a combination of capital growth and income, and with a low to medium volatility level.


Architas Flexible Bond fund - Key fact statement




Architas Flexible Bond Retail Class R (USD)


Architas Flexible Bond - Dividend composition table


Architas MM Global Managed Funds Unit Trust Full Financial Statement 2024 (audited)


Architas MM Global Managed Funds Unit Trust Interim Financial Statement Mar 24 (unaudited)



Architas Flexible Bond fund - Key fact statement




Architas Flexible Bond Retail Class R (USD)


Architas Flexible Bond - Dividend composition table


Architas MM Global Managed Funds Unit Trust Full Financial Statement 2024 (audited)


Architas MM Global Managed Funds Unit Trust Interim Financial Statement Mar 24 (unaudited)


Architas MA Balanced Fund portfolio

Architas Flexible Equity Fund portfolio