Literature library
Literature library
Welcome to the literature library. Here you can download our latest documents containing all you need to know about our funds, along with market insights from our team of investment experts.
Marketing documents
Why multi-manager investing
No one person can be an expert at everything. That’s why we combine the best managers in their respective fields into our portfolios, to make sure we have an expert taking care of each asset class or region.
Offering documents
Here you will find the key documents your clients are advised
to read before making an investment in any of the AXA IM Select funds.
Architas E.P.I.C. Global Equity Opportunities Fund - Key fact statement
Architas Flexible Bond fund - Key fact statement
Architas Multi-Asset Balanced fund - Key fact statement
Architas Flexible Equity fund - Key fact statement
Prices and factsheets
For all funds, share classes and price information
Financial reporting
Here you will find full and interim financial reports your clients are advised
to read before making an investment in any of the AXA IM Select funds.